Thursday, June 23, 2011

Agenda of Amazing Realization

I am currently typing this on a laptop, in a bar, and I used most of the battery looking up facts on disparity of wealth, so I am using the last of it to capture the topics I wish to unleash on whatever audience I may have in my short existence of a social sellout.

I had a dream last night, that I accidentally worked some sort of job that entitled me to $5,800.  Yes, that is a precide figure that I saw in my dream.  I don't know what it means, but I know that in my dream, I used about $500 to by a coat at J. Crew that was located in a hospital.  Also, there was a certain girl in my life that mentioned she loved me for my promptness of attendance, but only mentioned this when I was late to drop her off at the bank to get money for something.

That story has nothing to do with anything, but I may document my dreams for scientific purposes from time to time.

I plan on discussing the following topics, which are just things that are stuck in my head and causing me increasing emotional distress because I do not have an outlet for them:

-Disparity of wealth in America, and maybe the world?
-Music, and why most music sucks smelly man-balls
-Race, and maybe Sexism, if I can't say enough about Race
-Sexism, provided I haven't covered this topic earlier
-Population Control - yes, CONTROL.  This will be an extremely biased, and taboo discussion: of myself to my many (2) followers.  The summary of this topic is - Stop having dozens of kids, you estrogenated crazy super moms - we have no jobs as it is.

Anyway, these are the most encumbering clouds of craziness that inhabit what would be an otherwise brilliant mind.


  1. i cant wait to read all of your crazy and intelligent thoughts on the world. educate me fool. i dont get news here in communist china. o can you do an entry on china for me? please?

  2. Using your laptop in a bar? Congratulations, you are officially "that guy".

    I am all for population control. A uterus is not a clown car. Yes, we're short on jobs but we're also short on global resources -- why make things worse? What's next, Decamom? Plus, let's get real here: the majority of humans offer nothing to the greater good, are not particularly funny, and practice poor hygiene. Why keep cranking them out?
